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List of Chinese International Schools in
There are currently over 170 international schools in Malaysia today. Each international school is unique in terms of their offerings such as the type of the curriculum followed. The British Curriculum is by far the most popular curriculum offered by international schools in Malaysia. However, it is common for international schools to offer more than one curriculum and academic qualification. For example, a school may offer the American Curriculum up until secondary school level and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme at pre- university level. The range of international curricula offered in Malaysia is wide, with over ten curricula and examinations in total.
The search results below lists down the international schools in Malaysia offering the Chinese! Find the right international school for your child today.
The search results below lists down the international schools in Malaysia offering the Chinese! Find the right international school for your child today.
Total of 7 schools found

Yeongdengpou korea Chinese primary school
South Korea
Primary Schools