1. SJI International Elementary School lapathon raises over $42k for children in Sri Lanka

SJI International Elementary School lapathon raises over $42k for children in Sri Lanka

Published on 18 May 2021

“To Sri Lanka, we must go!” says the official poster for this year’s ‘Legs of Legend’ Lapathon. Within a week, the Elementary School community did just that, raising a record-breaking $42,000 in the process.


The Lapathon is one of the highlights of the Elementary School’s annual events calendar. Since its inception in 2016, the event aims to bring the school community together through a service event that at the same time empowers our students to take responsibility and become compassionate global citizens.


Our charity of choice is the Lasallian Community Education Services (LCES) in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The LCES supports the Henamulla Preschool – our direct beneficiary – which provides schooling and daily meals to nearly 200 children.


Our Elementary Parents Support Group (EPSG) has been our key supporter and organiser of the Lapathon, an annual picnic-like weekend event at the school field. This year’s Lapathon took on a slightly different format, with COVID-19 restrictions prohibiting us from holding the event like we used to.



The week of 19-25 April saw students, staff and parents walk, run and jog as far they could, covering a collective distance of 2,656 km – the equivalent distance between Singapore and Sri Lanka.


Students clocked their laps on the school field in bubbles of 8*, recording 1242 km in total. More than 170 families covered the remainder of the distance, who each clocked their laps over the 24-25 April weekend and collectively recorded well over 3000km. This year, we had families who joined not only from Singapore but also Europe, Hong Kong, and Japan.


“We wanted the community to still feel united as one even though we couldn’t all walk together as we normally do… We were quite unsure of the reaction we would receive from our community, but we have been overwhelmed by the support,” shares Mr Clayton Cumming, our Elementary School Service Coordinator.



All funds raised will supply nutritious meals and other essentials to the children at the Henamulla Preschool.


“The Lapathon showed us that, against uncertainties, we can achieve any goal with unity and enthusiasm. Thanks to all families and students who committed to the cause, did their best and triumphed. And also to the amazing staff who made it possible,” the EPSG said.


*The student bubbles reflected the safety management measures at the time the Lapathon was held.

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